From:                              Tom O'Connor

Sent:                               12 December 2016 16:33

To:                                   PLServices

Subject:                          FW: 16/01570/FUL

Attachments:                 NE Feedback.pdf


Can you add this no comment response as the Natural England response to this application 16/01570/FUL




Tom OC


From: Consultations (NE) []
Sent: 12 December 2016 14:06
To: Tom O'Connor
Subject: 16/01570/FUL


Application ref:  16/01570/FUL

Our ref:  202999


Natural England has no comments to make on this application.  


Natural England has not assessed this application for impacts on protected species.  Natural England has published Standing Advice which you can use to assess impacts on protected species or you may wish to consult your own ecology services for advice.


Natural England and the Forestry Commission have also published standing advice on ancient woodland and veteran trees which you can use to assess any impacts on ancient woodland.


The lack of comment from Natural England does not imply that there are no impacts on the natural environment, but only that the application is not likely to result in significant impacts on statutory designated nature conservation sites or landscapes.  It is for the local planning authority to determine whether or not this application is consistent with national and local policies on the natural environment.  Other bodies and individuals may be able to provide information and advice on the environmental value of this site and the impacts of the proposal to assist the decision making process. We advise LPAs to obtain specialist ecological or other environmental advice when determining the environmental impacts of development.


We recommend referring to our SSSI Impact Risk Zones (available on Magic and as a downloadable dataset) prior to consultation with Natural England. Further guidance on when to consult Natural England on planning and development proposals is available on at


Yours faithfully



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